Holiday Hazards
Help your pet(s) enjoy the holidays safely by keeping them away from potential problems. Once you know the hazards, a little precaution and prevention will make the holidays happy for everyone. If you have any concerns or need expert advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to Point Pleasant Veterinary Hospital for guidance and care.
Candles: Lighted candles should never be left unattended. Dogs and cats are naturally curious, and they can either burn themselves by the flame or knock the candle over, starting a fire.
Electrical Cords: Holiday lights mean more electrical cords for kittens and puppies to chew. Be sure you have cords secured and out of the way.
Fake grass and Small toys: If swallowed, it can cause your pet to choke and may damage or obstruct their intestines.
Fat: Gravies and poultry skin can cause severe gastrointestinal upset.
Fireworks: Fireworks can scare your pets, making them run off or cause serious injuries if detonated near them. Many formulations are also toxic if ingested.
Holiday Plants: Christmas roses, Holly, Lilies, and Mistletoe are all extremely poisonous when eaten. The lovely poinsettia may not be toxic, but its milky white sap and leaves can cause severe gastric distress. With so many hybrid varieties each year, keeping the plants out of your pet’s reach is the best approach.
Holiday Tree: Make sure your tree is well secured. If you have a tree-climbing cat or large dog with a happy tail, anchor the top of the tree to the wall using a strong cord or rope. Preservatives often used in the water in a tree stand can cause gastric upsets, so be sure it is inaccessible or that the preservatives are not used. Avoid sugar and aspirin additives in the water as well.